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Old Apr 29, 2008, 09:34 PM // 21:34   #1
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Default Assassin's Promise on a Ritualist

I'm making a new Channeling/Restoration hybrid variant. Waiting for weapon spells and binding rituals to recharge isn't fun, so I considered using [assassins promise] instead of [offering of spirit]. The energy management is still there, and it recharges all your skills, too. The only problem I can see is that it requires speccing into Deadly Arts.

Last edited by Cosmic Error; Apr 29, 2008 at 10:00 PM // 22:00..
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Old Apr 29, 2008, 09:39 PM // 21:39   #2
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and if u dont kill them fast
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Old Apr 29, 2008, 09:45 PM // 21:45   #3
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If you can find stuff that needs the insta-recharge, go ahead, but I can't think of anything I'd really need drastically reduced recharge times on.
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Old Apr 29, 2008, 09:51 PM // 21:51   #4
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i could understand this on a communing player... but what skills in resto/channel actually need promise for anything other than energy?

[weapon of shadow]... thats the only one that takes any time to recharge really...
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Old Apr 29, 2008, 10:19 PM // 22:19   #5
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really. channeling has almost NO recharge time comparded to communing. stick with the old one buddy and if 6 seconds is to long then...i dont even know. just be patient =D
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Old Apr 29, 2008, 10:23 PM // 22:23   #6
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Originally Posted by Trylo
i could understand this on a communing player... but what skills in resto/channel actually need promise for anything other than energy?

[weapon of shadow]... thats the only one that takes any time to recharge really...
Don't forget [Warmonger's Weapon]

Yeah, I agree, this would be better on a spirit spammer. Maybe not for attack spirits, but defensive ones, like [Recuperation].
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Old Apr 30, 2008, 03:20 AM // 03:20   #7
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i prefer [serpent's quickness] but thats just me, i suppose it would work.
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Old Apr 30, 2008, 07:54 AM // 07:54   #8
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I use AP in my spirit build (offence and defence spirits) and works like a charm. Especially offence spirits.
I'm at work now so can't send the build. but will post it tonight(CET)
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Old Apr 30, 2008, 06:01 PM // 18:01   #9
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Originally Posted by horseradish
Don't forget [Warmonger's Weapon]

Yeah, I agree, this would be better on a spirit spammer. Maybe not for attack spirits, but defensive ones, like [Recuperation].
[skill]union[/skill] [skill]shelter[/skill] [skill]displacement[/skill] these are the ones you'd be using.
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Old Apr 30, 2008, 06:13 PM // 18:13   #10
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Originally Posted by Cosmic Error
I'm making a new Channeling/Restoration hybrid variant. Waiting for weapon spells and binding rituals to recharge isn't fun, so I considered using [assassins promise] instead of [offering of spirit]. The energy management is still there, and it recharges all your skills, too. The only problem I can see is that it requires speccing into Deadly Arts.
Quite a few actually:

- Diluting your primary atts
- since you're really support, you probably won't always get the opportunity to kill whoever you hexed and therefore, you remain dependent on your damage dealer
- Rit's dont really have a problem with recharge unless you're going spirits and if you are going spirits, not only are there not many good builds for spirits, refer to the problem above.
- you're restricted to Sin as your secondary which prevents you from going for other better secondary professions for maximum support

However, if you're willing to put up with all this, I think this could work.
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Old Apr 30, 2008, 06:18 PM // 18:18   #11
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the build on wiki: http://www.pvxwiki.com/wiki/Build:Rt...Spirit_Spammer
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Old Apr 30, 2008, 09:51 PM // 21:51   #12
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Thanks for all the input.
Here's the build:

Channeling: 11+1+2
Restoration: 11+1
All remaining points dumped into Deadly Arts

[Assassins Promise]
[Ancestors rage]
[splinter weapon]
[spirit rift]
[vengeful weapon]
[spirit transfer]
[Mend body and soul]/[spirit light]
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Old Apr 30, 2008, 09:53 PM // 21:53   #13
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Originally Posted by Cosmic Error
Thanks for all the input.
Here's the build:

Channeling: 11+1+2
Restoration: 11+1
All remaining points dumped into Deadly Arts

[Assassins Promise]
[Ancestors rage]
[splinter weapon]
[spirit rift]
[vengeful weapon]
[spirit transfer]
[Mend body and soul]/[spirit light]
Probably recommend [life] instead of Bloodsong.
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Old May 01, 2008, 02:34 AM // 02:34   #14
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[build prof=Rt/Ass name="Cosmic Error's AP Build" Channeling=11+1+2 Restoration=11+1 Deadly=8 Spawning=2][Assassin's Promise][Ancestor's rage][splinter weapon][spirit rift][bloodsong][vengeful weapon][spirit transfer][Mend body and soul][/build]
Fixed. Yay for gwBB Code! I took out [Spirit Light] because you need condition removal, Bloodsong should keep itself alive, Spirit Transfer and Vengeful for healing everyone, and otherwise, the bar wouldn't save with 9 skills.

Last edited by Bargamer; May 01, 2008 at 02:38 AM // 02:38..
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Old May 01, 2008, 06:47 AM // 06:47   #15
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Originally Posted by Bargamer
[build prof=Rt/Ass name="Cosmic Error's AP Build" Channeling=11+1+2 Restoration=11+1 Deadly=8 Spawning=2][Assassin's Promise][Ancestor's rage][splinter weapon][spirit rift][bloodsong][vengeful weapon][spirit transfer][Mend body and soul][/build]
I honestly have a hard time to see what needs an instant recharge in this build once in 45 sec. Maybe Bloodsong? That spirit generally lives longer then its 30 sec recharge, so there's is not really any need for AP there. And the other skills don't need AP imo.
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Old May 01, 2008, 06:54 AM // 06:54   #16
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Originally Posted by deank81
I honestly have a hard time to see what needs an instant recharge in this build once in 45 sec. Maybe Bloodsong? That spirit generally lives longer then its 30 sec recharge, so there's is not really any need for AP there. And the other skills don't need AP imo.
It's not so much the insta-recharge, it's more that if you're blowing shit up fast enough with Channeling stuff, AP is giving you more energy return than OoS - allowing you to spam your skills more to blow shit up even faster.

As long as you can assure the kills, using it like that's fine.
However, using it for the insta-recharge effect is kinda laughable, as the skills that have long down-times for rits... well.... suck.
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Old May 01, 2008, 07:05 AM // 07:05   #17
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Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
It's not so much the insta-recharge, it's more that if you're blowing shit up fast enough with Channeling stuff, AP is giving you more energy return than OoS - allowing you to spam your skills more to blow shit up even faster.
Ah ok, I didn't really think of that. And of course AP recharges itself also (smacks head), didn't think of that as well. Then still I think Rits already have good energy managment and there isn't really any need for AP there. Ive done fine with OoS spamming SW, AR and GDW without running into energy problems.

How would AP be on a hero btw? If it works it would be nice on a Rit hero with 14 channeling.
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Old May 01, 2008, 09:05 PM // 21:05   #18
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Originally Posted by deank81
How would AP be on a hero btw? If it works it would be nice on a Rit hero with 14 channeling.
I doubt the hero would be able to use it correctly knowing how the AI is whack.
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Old May 02, 2008, 01:33 AM // 01:33   #19
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Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
It's not so much the insta-recharge, it's more that if you're blowing shit up fast enough with Channeling stuff, AP is giving you more energy return than OoS - allowing you to spam your skills more to blow shit up even faster.

As long as you can assure the kills, using it like that's fine.
And there's the catch...there's a big 'if' attached to AP, OoS can be used regardless of the presence of a spirit. Sure you get a sac, but i'd rather that than miss AP. AP also means one more att line to spec into.

I really don't see any point of running AP unless you're running a Spirit Spammer. Even then, isn't that why we've got [[summon spirits]?
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Old May 09, 2008, 12:12 AM // 00:12   #20
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Originally Posted by MasterSasori
I doubt the hero would be able to use it correctly knowing how the AI is whack.
Actually, heroes use AP well. I was using it on norgu since many mes skills have fairly long recharge times and he seemed to use it on an enemy that i was attacking.
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